The History of the Christmas Tree in Philadelphia


O Tannenbaum!

Throughout this Deck the Alley series we have not only brought you videos, but we have also asked our leadership team to introduce the content and share a bit about their involvement with the Alley. Today, we hear from Emily Taggart Schricker, who is not only a preservationist and our Board secretary, but who also created today's mini-documentary on the history of the Christmas Tree in Philadelphia.

Welcome back friends to more of Deck the Alley 2020! Our way to celebrate the holidays with you virtually and inspire donations, shares, subscriptions, and holiday cheer! 

I think we can all agree that 2020 has turned our lives upside down; it has been a world-wide experiment in "Pattern Interrupt". If you aren't familiar with this, simply put, pattern interrupt is "a way to change a person's state or strategy." It may be uncomfortable or awkward at first, but can have beneficial results. And if I may put on my rose-colored glasses for a moment, 2020 has caused many changes in strategy, approach, and behaviors.

One "pattern interrupt" in the Elfreth's Alley world has been our Volunteers, Staff, and Board of Directors working together to find new ways to share our site's history and celebrate Deck the Alley with you. For decades, you had to buy a ticket, travel to Old City, and stand outside to be part of Deck the Alley. This year you can stay in the comfort of your home, with zero travel time, and we're bringing the holiday treats to you- free of charge! I admire our organization's gusto - we are pushing ourselves to continue providing content and all we need from you is an avenue of support. Our year end fundraising campaign is coming soon, but today I only ask you to share this email with a friend. Go ahead - just click forward and send this to someone you think would enjoy hearing about the tradition of Christmas Trees and how they gained momentum here in Philadelphia and Southeastern PA. 

Be like Ebenezer Scrooge at the END of A Christmas Carol - Throw open those internet windows and shout it loud - "What is today? Today is the day to share an Elfreth's Alley email for all to enjoy!" :D

Happiest of Holiday Celebrations,
Emily Taggart Schricker

How did 19th-century residents of the Alley celebrate Christmas?

Spread the Word

Thank you for spending the holidays with us here on Elfreth's Alley. All through November and December, we look forward to bringing you holiday stories, songs, traditions, and histories. You can help us by sharing this post with a friend. If you're the lucky friend that has received this - subscribe to our newsletter here!


Coming Soon

Next week our gift will be a special episode of our podcast, The Alley Cast. If you haven't ever listened to the show, never fear, there's plenty of time to catch up at

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Gift Shopping?

We have assembled a Museum Store Holiday Gift Guide, not just highlighting the items we carry in our store, but some of the best gifts available at other Philadelphia museums this holiday season.


Donate Today

To keep the doors of our museum open, we need your help. It's been a terrible year and anything you can give in support will help. If you are able, please donate today at